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网上开店服务 2023年03月01日 12:27 32 admin

一、a set of后面是单数还是复数

1、a set of后面的名词复数。当“a set of+复数名词”作主语时,谓语动词用单数或复数都有可能。

2、a set of keys一串钥匙;一套钥匙;一组密钥;一组键

3、a set of furniture一套家具;一组家具;一堂家具

4、a set of rules一套规则;一套规章

5、A set of keys swung from her belt.



8、this set〔these sets〕of在句中用作主语时,谓语动词的数须与set的数一致。


一套钥匙的英文为a set of key、a bunch of keys、Cellar Key、a set of keys、couple of keys。

语法:一套钥匙用英语是“复数”。一套钥匙用英语表达可以是:A bunch of keys,或是:A set of keys,因为一套钥匙中钥匙一定是超过“一把”的,所以是要用复数的。

Theres a set of keys in the lost and found case.


I used one that resembled a set of keys;it was his favorite.


Yes,I have a bunch of keys and some coins.


T-Bag’s foot steps on a set of keys.

Sunny found a bunch of keys outside the door.

A string of keys and a nail clipper.


He opened the door of the cell with a bunch of keys he picked up from a wooden board nailed to the wall.

Lost and found in the lost and found case a set of keys.


He kept a cigarette behind his left ear and a ring of keys hooked to his belt.

三、a set of keys 一副钥匙 是单数还是复数

1、一窜钥匙是单数,就像 a group of people也是单数。

2、antelope羚羊,bison野牛,buffalo水牛,crab螃蟹,deer鹿,fish鱼,reindeer驯鹿, sheep绵羊;Burmese缅甸人,Cantonese广东人,Chinese中国人,counsel法律顾问, kin亲属,Japanese日本人,Swiss瑞士人;aircraft飞机,craft飞机,spacecraft太空船; brance双,score二十;series系列;species种类;means方法只有复数形式的名词 trousers裤子,pants裤子,shorts短裤 glasses眼镜,compasses圆规,scales天平,pliers钳子,clips剪子。traffic lights交通灯(一般有三盏,这样理解)等。


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